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Stealing the Wind (Mermen of Ea #1)
Shira Anthony
Stinger (Sign of Love, #3)
Mia Sheridan


Raid - Kristen Ashley buddy read with Jamie and girls on 28th!!!!!ok this is my first KA review! I never wrote them because they would all be the same pretty much but my fingers are hovering over my keyboard and I just have to.Don't get me wrong now, I love KA books, my first was SWEET DREAMS with TATE and I will always love that book! But my favorite one would be AT PEACE with CAL! I re-read those books dozens of times and those two I will never get tired of. I never really liked Knight and the one with the vampire guy (I am sorry I am writing over my mobile and can't remember the name correctly but I think it was Lucien). I don't know why but I always thought she writes better about "normal" guys then "BDSM" or paranormal (but those I read only 2).So the reasons I am giving this one 2 stars are this: I accepted that all the characters will always be the same but I guess I got tired of it.I am especially tired of reading that all the female characters are always wearing strappy spiked high-heeled sandals.I think if I would now go and make a comparison with every KA male character they would pretty much say always the same thing and think and do always the same thing.The first sex is always around 30% and the female character is always beaten or abducted around 90%.I am tired of reading why they (men) love their women pussies (actually I am tired of that word).I am tired of reading how the female character always has to have some friend to tell her how to handle things and to "open her eyes" because why and I mean oh why do they never think with their own head?!I am tired of lots of things but I am also tired of naming them.In the end I was really struggling to finish this because I found it quite boring :(So I will tell just one more thing:I am giving KA 2 more chances with CHAOS (because I already pre-ordered the book) and with GOLDEN DYNASTY (because I heard he is a savage that doesn't speak english therefore I am really excited to read how will he tell her why does he love her pussy the most).I know everybody loves KA and I am really sorry I am writing this and I might be wrong but that is only my opinion (just because I am Racht's minion doesn't mean I am evil like my queen :))