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Stealing the Wind (Mermen of Ea #1)
Shira Anthony
Stinger (Sign of Love, #3)
Mia Sheridan

Scars and Songs (Mad World, #3)

Scars and Songs (Mad World, #3) - Christine Zolendz SHANE'S POV!!!! OMG!!!!!! Never thought love would speak my name  Calling me out from the shadows So long I have been hidden Beneath the surface, where the darkness flows You breathed life into me The minute my eyes found yours Waking me from my lonely grave Leaving footprints along my deserted shores I know you’ll never know How it feels to me when you say my name Or the inferno you create in me With your simple flame"ABSOLUTELY BLOODY AMAZING! This was one of the best male POV's I've read, when it comes to already published stories, but written in his POV!I loved first two books in series, it's one of my favorite series, but this sequel.... "I could still feel her arms slide around me as we gathered each other closely, her face nestling into the crook of my neck; fitting into me perfectly.  She felt made for me, as if I was standing there for the first time, a whole being."I swear to God I loved literally every sentence that was written! I loved everything that was on his mind, everything he spoke to her...IT WAS PERFECT!I always loved their banter, not just between main characters, but between the whole company. But reading this in his POV ... reading how he loved her, how he wanted a second chance in love, to feel alive again...Story about forbidden and lost love... how you have no reason to live for anymore without your soul mate..."My body felt as if it were caught in a violent riptide, pulling me, yanking me under.  Drowning me.  I had no more strength, or want, to try to break free; I just needed to sink to the bottom.  Lose myself to some sort of oblivion; let myself be consumed by the darkness."AMAZING!"Beneath my hands, her lush body, just barely brushing against my chest, hummed with her wildly beating heart.  The last sound I would ever feel or hear from her."You have to know that this was one seriously long and hot foreplay! When you read first two books you don't have that feeling, but when that is combined into one and in his delicious POV... IT WAS SERIOUSLY KILLING ME! HE WAS TORTURING ME WITH HIS THOUGHTS AND WORDS THAT CAME ROLLING DOWN HIS DELICIOUS LIPS...